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Booking the Hall
Conference Seating

The village hall is managed and run by a small group of volunteers. It is therefore important that all Hirers know how they can play their part in keeping the hall in good order for the benefit of all other users

You can use the Bookings System to check availability of the Hall  and its facilities and to make a provisional booking for your hire. You must leave your contact details when making a booking as the system will automatically email the Bookings Secretary with your provisional details. The Bookings Secretary will then contact you to discuss your particular requirements and, subject to satisfactory completion of the Hall's Booking Forms including the Hiring Agreement and Standard Conditions of Hire, will make a firm booking for you.Before you can make a booking below, you must confirm that you have read the Booking Forms & Conditions and the Data Protection statement.

These and all other relevant documentation can be found by clicking the Make a Booking button below

Hire Charges

Hall Calendar

Make a Booking

Keyholder's Responsibilities

It is to the benefit of both the keyholder and the Hall Committee that keys are provided to regular users of the hall. Otherwise, committee members would be required to open/close up on each occasion which would incur a great deal of work for a small band of volunteers. For the keyholder, it minimises the risk that a volunteer may not be available to open/close up.
However, being a keyholder does bring certain responsibilities:
1.    Keys are provided to keyholders on trust
2.   Keys are to be used solely to access the facilities that have been booked by the keyholder                group at the days and times agreed with the Bookings Secretary
3.  The granting of keys to a keyholder does not grant a general right to access the hall at any               time except as 2. above
4.  The keyholder must keep the keys safe
5.  Keys must not be duplicated or copied
6.  If additional/replacement keys are needed, these must be obtained from the Hall Committee
7.  The keyholder is responsible for ensuring that the hall is left in a safe and secure state after            each use. Specific instructions regarding opening and closing up the premises can be found          in the Hirer’s Checklist part of the Booking Forms & Documentation

The Hall Committee regularly monitors the situation to verify that keyholders are fulfilling these responsibilities and takes seriously any report that the hall has not been left in a safe and secure state.

It is in no-one’s interest that the privilege of holding keys be withdrawn. So, please step up and help safeguard the hall for the benefit of all users.


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